The American Southwest Part 1: Driving to Sedona

A week ago, I had the opportunity to take an amazing trip across the Southwest with my friend Danielle, her boyfriend Dom, and two of his friends, Brett and Dave. I'll be forever grateful to Danielle for inviting me along, because it was easily one of the best adventures I've ever had. A week ago, I had the opportunity to take an amazing trip across the Southwest with my friend Danielle, her boyfriend Dom, and two of his friends, Brett and Dave. I'll be forever grateful to Danielle for inviting me along, because it was easily one of the best adventures I've ever had. 

Exploring Oregon

I'm incredibly fortunate to work for a company with offices in beautiful places and that my managers are willing to send me out to visit these places. I was able to work (and play) in Portland, Oregon last week thanks to the good people at Squarespace.

Ramble On

"I'm not one for experiences..." was an actual thing said by a human while we were trekking around Iceland last week. That statement boggles my mind. You don't... like... experiences? Why the fuck are you even alive?

Stop Drunk Texting

We've all done it (ok, assuming you drink or smoke weed or boot black tar heroine). We reach a state of fucked-uppage when, inevitably, our fingers become sentient beings capable of communicating with other humans. Holy crap, what a completely uncontrollable and unexpected thing that happened!

36 Questions

I stumbled upon a New York Times article that really piqued my interest. It was about a study done on making people fall in love ("To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This"). My internal hopeless romantic is long dead, and has since been replaced with a cynical control freak who still desires companionship and frequent sex. While this article kind of crushes the "magic" of falling for someone, it gives me hope that it's not all that difficult to accomplish.

Growing Upward and Inward

Ten years ago, I was about to graduate high school. I was a different person then, which is a completely normal and expected thing to say. Fundamentally, some things stuck around. My obsession with structure, schedules, organization. My beliefs, or lack there of, have stayed the same. I still don't like or want kids. I was an animal lover, and now I have three dogs and two cats to show for it. I was a nature lover, and now I've hiked and camped all over the place, even all alone. I was outgoing to some extent, and now I don't really give much of a fuck.